Gauche > Archives > 2012/01/27

2012/01/27 04:19:03 UTCkirill
hi all!
is shire around?
silly autocorrect...
2012/01/27 04:21:59 UTCshiro
I made quite a progress on out-of-srcdir build. Only one more test to make it work.
2012/01/27 04:26:12 UTCkirill
I see
so you don't specify --srcdir= ... in the configure line?
because I found that without srcdir it doesn't get very far
does your out-of-src build generate all files in the external dir, or does it still generate files in the src dir?
2012/01/27 04:27:53 UTCshiro
Currenly what I do is just run configure script (which is in srcdir) from build dir. No --srcdir option. And I made some changes in various scripts so that generated files always go to build dir.
2012/01/27 04:28:06 UTCkirill
right, that would be nice =)
so should I wait for you to finish this, then?
2012/01/27 04:29:02 UTCshiro
If you can, yes... if you don't mind a test failure in the script test (gauche-package), I might be able to commit it pretty soon.
2012/01/27 04:29:23 UTCkirill
I'm assuming it won't take long to fix this last test?
2012/01/27 04:30:21 UTCshiro
I don't think it takes long, but it's tricky. I'm sure I can fix it tonight (it's 6:30pm here).
2012/01/27 04:31:17 UTCkirill
I'll just wait... no need to make you push stuff before it's done
although a heads up
xlink has an infinite loop bug when dealing with absolute paths, I think
the make-directory* function in particular.
you probably had to fix this as part of the out-of-tree build work.
2012/01/27 04:33:38 UTCshiro
Hm, I didn't stumbled on it. But it's good to fix it as well. Could you just paste the patch here, or put it elsewhere (e.g. and I'll try to merge it.
2012/01/27 04:34:48 UTCkirill
2012/01/27 04:35:12 UTCshiro
My xlink has been modified to handle the cases both the actual file is either in srcdir or in builddir.
2012/01/27 04:35:23 UTCkirill
this should do it:
diff --git a/ext/xlink b/ext/xlink
index 9bd5541..283e038 100644
--- a/ext/xlink
+++ b/ext/xlink
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 (define (make-directory* dir)
   (let1 up (sys-dirname dir)
-    (unless (equal? up ".")
+    (unless (member up '("/" "."))
       (make-directory* up)
       (unless (file-exists? dir)
         (sys-mkdir dir #o755)))))
2012/01/27 04:36:06 UTCshiro
Ah! I see. Thanks!
2012/01/27 04:36:31 UTCkirill
I'm personally a little bit confused as to why we recurse anyway... I imagine that once you reach a directory that exists, there's no need to continue recursion?
ah sorry, I was reading it backwards =)
but yeah, the fix still applies.
2012/01/27 04:38:11 UTCshiro
Yup. (sys-dirname "/") => "/" and recursion happens before existense check, so your fix is valid.
I'll be offline for a couple of hours. I'll shoot you email once I'm done.
2012/01/27 04:41:48 UTCkirill
thanks for your help
2012/01/27 13:20:42 UTCkoguro
--- a/lib/util/stream.scm
+++ b/lib/util/stream.scm
@@ -513,10 +513,10 @@
 (define (stream-count pred . strs)
   (let loop ((times 0) (s strs))
-    (if (any stream-null? strs)
+    (if (any stream-null? s)
-      (loop (+ times (if (apply pred (map stream-car strs)) 1 0))
-            (map stream-cdr strs)))))
+      (loop (+ times (if (apply pred (map stream-car s)) 1 0))
+            (map stream-cdr s)))))
2012/01/27 13:32:10 UTCshiro
ありゃ、今のだと無限ループしちゃいますね。WiLiKiに書き込めないのは、多分そのページにspamリンクがまだ残ってるせいじゃないかな (リンク自体はblacklistしたので、そのリンクが含まれてると書き込めない)。後で一括して消すつもりだけど書き込む際に消していただいてもいいです。
多段ビルドしてるとout-of-source-tree buildさせるのが面倒だなあ。