Gauche > Archives > 2012/01/21

2012/01/21 01:10:25 UTCKirill
2012/01/21 01:10:30 UTCshiro
hi kirill
2012/01/21 01:10:38 UTCKirill
finally I'm able to log on here.
so as mentioned earlier, Gauche seems to be crashing pretty hard when running multiple independent scripts with multiple threads
I'm not sure if it's relevant, but it always crashes in Scm_Require
any ideas about what I can look for?
2012/01/21 01:12:06 UTCshiro
hm, Scm_Require does some stuff with threads.
2012/01/21 01:12:26 UTCKirill
specifically it crashes in the line immediately after /* `Autoprovide' feature */
        && SCM_FALSEP(Scm_Member(feature, ldinfo.provided, SCM_CMP_EQUAL))) {
        ldinfo.provided = Scm_Cons(feature, ldinfo.provided);
2012/01/21 01:13:01 UTCshiro
That seems a big clue. Let me see...
2012/01/21 01:13:10 UTCKirill
apparently evaluating the condition in the "if" statement is what crashes it.
2012/01/21 01:14:04 UTCshiro
If SCM_CDR(p) isn't a pair, that will crash.
Can you insert SCM_ASSERT(SCM_PAIRP(SCM_CDR(p))) right before the check?
Well no, actually p can be SCM_FALSE.
It smells like a bug that has finally surfaced by your usage pattern.
2012/01/21 01:17:00 UTCKirill
let me try that... should take a couple of minutes
the biggest thing I'm worried about is that the GC is doing something silly
but that's technically unlikely because the GC has way more users than Gauche =)
under what circumstances would "p" not be a list, anyway?
I guess if feature is not found in the alist?
2012/01/21 01:20:47 UTCshiro
apparently I thought p is always a list (that is, the module is already registered in providing list). but it involves multiple threads, so there can be a scenario that's not.
2012/01/21 01:21:29 UTCKirill
can you provide an example scenario where the module isn't already registered?
2012/01/21 01:22:07 UTCshiro
I'm reading the code to remember what I was thinking when I wrote it.
2012/01/21 01:23:36 UTCKirill
okay, the assertion fails
2012/01/21 01:26:11 UTCshiro
good. so there's something I did wrong manipulating providing list.
2012/01/21 01:27:43 UTCKirill
can you talk about the logic the way it's done right now? I can look myself, but it will take longer
2012/01/21 01:29:23 UTCshiro
It is explained in the comment before Scm_Require. I don't think I can describe it more clearly than that.
Could you run the code with the following stub right before p = Scm_Assoc(feature, ldinfo.providing, SCM_CMP_EQUAL)?
Scm_Printf(SCM_CURERR, "requiring %S, providing %S\n",
               feture ldinfo.providing);
Oops, second line should read "feature, ldinfo.providing);"
It is to confirm that the feature indeed isn't in providing list, not that providing list is broken somehow.
2012/01/21 01:34:18 UTCKirill
sure, sec
2012/01/21 01:40:03 UTCKirill
ok so... it's requiring some feature that's not in the providing list
I'm assuming this just follows from the previous discussion
2012/01/21 01:40:52 UTCshiro
Thanks. I wanted to eliminate the possibility that GC wasn't looking ldinfo.
2012/01/21 01:41:36 UTCKirill
how do features get removed from the ldinfo.providing?
ah sorry, right next to that
so is this a providing list management error, or a legitimate case where there's still something to do if providing doesn't contain what we're requiring?
2012/01/21 01:44:10 UTCshiro
It should be an error, an unexpected situation. The feature is chained to providing around line 995, and if that isn't executed, then Scm_Require should bail out before reaching the autoprovide thing.
2012/01/21 01:44:50 UTCKirill
should it bail out with "load failed", or ..?
or you mean, it should bail out with "no work to do"?
I see what's happening, maybe
2012/01/21 01:46:40 UTCshiro
"no work to do", or "a loop is detected".
2012/01/21 01:47:16 UTCKirill
is it possible that the providing list changes between the loop check and the autoprovide thing?
2012/01/21 01:49:32 UTCshiro
Yes, it is!
2012/01/21 01:49:53 UTCKirill
and is that bad? =)
any thoughts?
2012/01/21 01:53:56 UTCshiro
Well, actually it's a bit hard to see how it happens. If providing list has been changed, provided list is also changed and other threads should return "no work to do".
Ah, no.
2012/01/21 01:54:46 UTCKirill
I'm afraid I don't understand the situation, then.
2012/01/21 01:55:11 UTCshiro
If thread A start loading it, thread B waiting it, then thread A fails. Thread A removes feature from providing list but does not add feature to provided list.
That's what's happening, isn't it?
2012/01/21 01:56:11 UTCKirill
you mean thread A is failing to load it? in that case, why should it add it to the provided list if the load failed?
2012/01/21 01:57:32 UTCshiro
No it shouldn't. But if that happens, after thread B is woken up, its neither loop nor provided case so it goes to load the feature, and when (somehow) thread B succeeds to load it this time, it reaches the autoprovided check while there's no entry of the feature in providing list.
Does the scenario sound plausible? In your settings is it possible that one thread somehow fails to load a feature, which another thread can load later?
2012/01/21 02:00:05 UTCKirill
I don't think so
the code is deterministic =) if something fails once, it'll always fail
I think it might be like this:
We have a bunch of threads running, some thread T is asking for feature X, which is in the providing list, but it's waiting on the mutex
but by the time thread T is awake, all the other threads have terminated, and thus the providing list doesn't contain the feature anymore
I have many short-lived threads. threads are created often, they do their little job, then they terminate; they do not linger in a pool or anything like that.
does this ring any bells?
2012/01/21 02:03:03 UTCshiro
You mean, all the other threads have terminated normally? If they're terminated normally, then they should've added the feature to provided list as well as removing from providing list, so T will return early with "no work to do".
2012/01/21 02:03:30 UTCKirill
yes, they terminated normally, but they were GC'd on termination; I'm not sure how that affects anything.
I mean, the garbage collection must have done something before they terminated, as it shoudl
so the theory is that if I start a thread, it requires X, and then terminates, X will now be in the "provided" list forever?
2012/01/21 02:05:51 UTCshiro
GC shouldn't affect ldinfo which is a global data. Hmm... I might see something suspicious. If one of the feature does contain (provide "foo") form that suppresses autoprovide feature, it can happen...
2012/01/21 02:06:14 UTCKirill
yes, all the modules I wrote use (provide ...) explicitly
2012/01/21 02:06:23 UTCshiro
To answer your last question, yes, module loading/require/provide is global. Once it's loaded, it's permanent.
2012/01/21 02:06:23 UTCKirill
none of my code relies on autoprovide
can you explain further what how the error can happen if my module (which I do (use my-module)) uses (provide ...) explicitly?
2012/01/21 02:08:23 UTCshiro
Okay, there's my scenario. Autoprovide makes if you (require "foo") and foo.scm doesn't contain provide form, then it works as if there's (provide "foo").
2012/01/21 02:08:38 UTCKirill
this sounds dangerous but okay
2012/01/21 02:08:59 UTCshiro
But foo.scm contains something like (provide "bar"), then autoprovide is suppressed.
2012/01/21 02:09:07 UTCKirill
you mean, (provide bar)
2012/01/21 02:10:02 UTCshiro
No, Gauche's native provide works on strings.
2012/01/21 02:10:32 UTCKirill
ah sorry, I was thinking about export
so to correct what I was saying -- my modules use export and use
not require/provide
so I guess the scenario doesn't apply?
2012/01/21 02:11:23 UTCshiro
Ah, you don't have 'provide' form at all? Hmm..
2012/01/21 02:11:30 UTCKirill
sorry for the confusion. I'm too used to Racket's require/provide
I'll print the "provided" list before the loop enters, to see what's going on
maybe it's due to the GC after all, who knows.
2012/01/21 02:17:41 UTCKirill
ok so let's talk about the logic inside the loop
2012/01/21 02:17:47 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 02:17:52 UTCKirill
the idea is that if it's already provided, then we're good to go
2012/01/21 02:18:05 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 02:18:20 UTCKirill
if it's being provided (i.e loaded) by something else, we check for dependencies. let's pretend there's no loops -- in that case the feature gets added to the waiting list
... and then we wait for the load to finish and then remove it from the waiting list?
2012/01/21 02:19:39 UTCshiro
the waiting thread is woken up whenever providing list has changed. we need to check the condition again anyway, so we remove from waiting list. if the condition doesn't satisfy, we'll add to waiting list again.
2012/01/21 02:20:20 UTCKirill
I print feature + provided before the loop enters, and right before the crash:
requiring "srfi-13", provided ("nrj-ch" "soma" "nrj" "choco" "nrj-france" "sirius" "radium-tools" "sxml/ssax" "sxml/adaptor" "rfc/zlib" "rfc/md5" "util/digest" "rfc/http" "srfi-0" "gauche/interpolate" "gauche/partcont" "gauche/parameter" "gauche/hook" "gauche/mop/validator" "gauche/net" "gauche/modutil" "gauche/uvector" "util/queue" "rfc/uri" "rfc/822" "gauche/regexp" "gauche/condutil" "text/parse" "gauche/portutil" "gauche/experimental/lamb" "util/match" "srfi-14" "srfi-11" "rfc/cookie" "util/trie" "gauche/hashutil" "srfi-26" "srfi-19" "util/list" "gauche/sequence" "gauche/collection" "gauche/procedure" "gauche/common-macros" "gauche/charconv" "srfi-13" "srfi-1" "srfi-2" "srfi-6" "srfi-8" "srfi-10" "srfi-17")
note how srfi-13 is already in the provided list
so that's a little confusing.
2012/01/21 02:22:22 UTCshiro
weird. so that thread should return early from "no work to do" line, but it actually goes to the latter part, correct?
2012/01/21 02:22:35 UTCKirill
yes, that's the idea.
let me just double-check something...
does Scm_Printf accept regular format specifiers (e.g. c int)?
2012/01/21 02:24:13 UTCshiro
Yes. It's an extension to regular printf.
2012/01/21 02:24:19 UTCKirill
ok, just a second
2012/01/21 02:39:33 UTCKirill
still looking...
yep, it's requiring util/match, which is already in the list of provided, then crashes on assert
so to answer your question: definitely yes, that's what's happening.
any ideas as to what might be the case?
I should mention that the thread gets delayed significantly
i.e. the require message is in some spot in the log, then there's a lot of other thread activity, then this thread finally gets to the assert and dies
2012/01/21 02:43:05 UTCshiro
all right... this may sound silly, but could you check the return value of Scm_Member(feature, ldinfo.provided, ...) line? Just to make sure Scm_Member is working
2012/01/21 02:43:22 UTCKirill
sure thing.
I would be surprised if it wasn't and we got this far, but I'll check
2012/01/21 02:44:03 UTCshiro
well, actually, if Scm_Member returns SCM_FALSE, let's print provided list again if there's any unexpected change.
2012/01/21 02:44:29 UTCKirill
so we want to print the list after if (!SCM_FALSEP(provided)) break;
2012/01/21 02:45:33 UTCshiro
I meant, just after provided = Scm_Member(...), print the value of variable provided and ldinfo.provided.
2012/01/21 02:45:56 UTCKirill
PS: is there any reason why make-install (or invocation) renders the source tree invalid?
e.g. running twice is not possible
I have to clean and remake
2012/01/21 02:49:45 UTCshiro
I think that's simple overlook. Depending on the platform, make install need to relink the binary, which may interfere with building the source again.
2012/01/21 02:50:10 UTCKirill
relink the binary because of dynamic ld?
2012/01/21 02:50:52 UTCshiro
Haven't touched framework for long time so I'm not sure where the problem is, but on some platforms it is needed to fix rpath. I'm not sure if it applies to framework build, though.
2012/01/21 02:51:26 UTCKirill
ok so Scm_member returns the right thing
2012/01/21 02:52:09 UTCshiro
Ugh... and it still pass through if (!SCM_FALSEP(provided)) return 0; /* no work to do */ line?
2012/01/21 02:52:34 UTCKirill
let me check..
at this point I'm fairly sure it's some GC crap
magic doesn't happen in this way.
rebuilding... =)
2012/01/21 02:55:03 UTCshiro
GC code is mature, but using GC code properly is tricky and "GC problems" is usually the improper use of GC. btw, the framework problem, I guess if we move OSX build to path-independent way by default (that is, do not embed --prefix path but search from where libgauche is), the build problem may be solved. Just a hunch.
2012/01/21 02:55:18 UTCKirill
while we're building..
is it possible that inside finalizable(), the vm is 0?
void finalizable(void)
    ScmVM *vm = Scm_VM();
    vm->finalizerPending = TRUE;
    vm->attentionRequest = TRUE;
... because I had at least one crash where vm was 0.
2012/01/21 02:57:45 UTCshiro
Well... yes it is. Good catch. I believe you can just guard the assignments by if (vm != NULL) { ... }.
I'll just fix it now.
2012/01/21 02:59:28 UTCKirill
yeah I fixed it already
but I wasn't sure if I was fixing something that was a result of another problem =)
2012/01/21 03:01:31 UTCshiro
It can happen when GC is called before Gauche runtime is fully initialized. It is a legitimate scenario, and if vm isn't initialized yet, there won't be a task that requires vm to cleanup. So it's safe, I believe.
2012/01/21 03:01:56 UTCKirill
as long as this is some "high level" problem I'm happy
I hope it's not some kind of crazy memory corruption issue
because that would mean that gauche has deeper issues..
(I mean, the issue we're seeing with require, etc.)
2012/01/21 03:04:00 UTCshiro
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. Unreliable memory management is the worst nightmare.
2012/01/21 03:05:46 UTCKirill
hmm ok
so what's happening is this...
it's requiring some module
the module isn't in provided, so it loads it -- ok
while it's loading, it requires a bunch of other modules
... because the original module it's trying to load does (use ...) inside
and I guess after it's done loading all the internal (use) of that module, it comes back to the assert, and fails
I'm assuming that the call to Scm_Load there is recursive, right?
2012/01/21 03:07:36 UTCshiro
Yes. Such nested load is normal.
2012/01/21 03:07:46 UTCKirill
but the issue is that I have other scripts that (in parallel) try to load the module
so once it gets outside of the mutex, providing now has the module
and by the time Scm_Load is done, providing should _still_ have the module
but it doesn't =(
is that correct? if I load a module X, once it's out of the mutex and calls Scm_Load, X is in "providing"
so everyone else that requires it will be blocked on the condition variable
and then once the Scm_Load() returns, X should still be in "providing". is that right?
2012/01/21 03:10:31 UTCshiro
Yes, that's the way it's supposed to.
2012/01/21 03:10:48 UTCKirill
but for whatever reason it's not happening... I'll dig around a little bit more.
I'm a little bit surprised that this isn't a common use case
the Lua programming language was designed specifically to execute small snippets, possible from many threads
2012/01/21 03:12:39 UTCshiro
One assumption is that the thread who loads the feature is the only one who adds/removes the feature to/from the providing list. But that assumption isn't checked explicitly. If we can somehow check that assumption...
2012/01/21 03:13:02 UTCKirill
but how could it be that another thread adds/removes it from the providing list if everyone else is waiting?
for example, it should _not_ be possible that a module is listed twice in the providing list, right?
2012/01/21 03:14:10 UTCshiro
The parallel load case has been tested in production. There should be something that has been missed in previous use cases. And to your question, right, it seems impossible. We're witnessing an impossible!
2012/01/21 03:17:30 UTCKirill
there are at least 3 instances of the module in the providing list
2012/01/21 03:19:22 UTCshiro
Ah, that's a clue. So my logic is flawed somewhere. I'd like to try to reproduce it here. Are you using Gauche in the way you mentioned before, that is, there's already a bunch of thread running and you attach Gauche runtime to it? Or are you just using plain 'gosh'?
2012/01/21 03:19:37 UTCKirill
no no, it's dynamically linked and I attach the runtime
but please let me look at it for a few more minutes
it is possible that in all of this, I am the idiot.
(wouldn't be the first time)
for now, all the things that work in gosh are your fault, and all the things that don't work are mine =)
ok what happens when...
we are interested in module X
and we are interested in module Y
module Y requires module X
so what happens when we are loading module Y, it calls Scm_Load
and then another thread wants to load module X?
hmm that should still work, though.
2012/01/21 03:23:12 UTCshiro
Assuming both thread uses 'use' (or underlying 'require'), only one of them actually loads it.
2012/01/21 03:23:20 UTCKirill
ok, still looking
ok so is there any reason why there's a while(0) and a continue right before?
if my brain is still working properly, the loop inside require is equivalent to:
  } while (0);
do you agree?
... because if you run that, "hi" will only be printed once, since condition is checked after "continue"
so perhaps this is the bug.
technically it's supposed to loop around and check again if it's in the provided list, etc., but as it is now, it only runs the loop once
again please feel free to tell me if I'm full of crap =)
2012/01/21 03:31:53 UTCshiro
Oops, I think idiot is me.
It looks like you can remove continue and change it to while(TRUE) should be the way to go.
2012/01/21 03:35:52 UTCKirill
I mean, right about removing continue
generally I'd just replace the loop with for (;;) { ... }
or equivalent
since break's are taken care of
the continue at the bottom is not necessary, then.
2012/01/21 03:37:35 UTCshiro
Yeah, for (;;) { ... } is fine. Now I wonder what I was thinking when I wrote the current code. And I guess I was just lucky that it has been working in this way.
2012/01/21 03:37:57 UTCKirill
yeah, presumably because in most cases one pass through it was enough
the semantics of while/for loops can be tricky to remember sometimes, especially when break/continue are involved
the good news is that the module loading logic is fine =)
so all in all, this bug is nothing. you got the hard stuff right.
2012/01/21 03:39:54 UTCshiro
Is it working? I'll commit the fix then. And thanks a lot for tracking down this!
2012/01/21 03:40:02 UTCKirill
sec, rebuilding...
wow, amazing
first pass through a multi-script run without a crash
let's pretend it's fixed.
let me know when you've pushed this (and the core.c fix), so I can pull and continue =)
2012/01/21 03:44:02 UTCshiro
Pushed. (119157a)
2012/01/21 03:46:04 UTCKirill
well, I think I'm done for tonight. it's almost 11PM here
I'll let you know if I run into anything else =)
thanks for your patience!
2012/01/21 03:48:10 UTCshiro
Glad we made it work. Thanks!
2012/01/21 09:45:30 UTCshiro
Windows/MinGWでのスレッドサポートをコミットしました。./configure --enable-threads=win32 で有効になります。pthreads-win32ではなく直接Win32 APIのスレッドを使います。興味ある方は試してみてください。thread-terminate!回りはもう一工夫する予定。
2012/01/21 10:23:37 UTCkenhys
2012/01/21 10:27:09 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 10:36:23 UTCshiro
直接起動 ( ./gosh -ftest ) した場合はどうなりますか?
2012/01/21 10:40:50 UTCkenhys
2012/01/21 11:13:25 UTCkenhys
2012/01/21 11:15:45 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 11:15:52 UTCkenhys
make checkの結果はこんな感じです。
2012/01/21 11:19:26 UTCshiro
あれ、make checkうちでは全部通るのだけれど… いくつかのテスト失敗は行末がCRかCRLFかって違いっぽいですね。MinGWで行末の扱いをグローバルに変えるセッティングってありましたっけ。
2012/01/21 11:29:58 UTCkenhys
2012/01/21 11:39:17 UTC齊藤
git config core.autocrlf false ですね。 それは私もひっかかって困ったことがありました。
MinGW での行末の扱いはテキストモードかバイナリモードかだけで決まるはずだったと思います。
2012/01/21 11:44:50 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 11:58:18 UTCshiro
kenhysさんのログを見る限り、Gaucheは\nを出力してるつもりが\r\nになっちゃってるっぽい。で、Gaucheではポートオープン時に:element-type :characterと明示しない限りはバイナリモードでオープンするし、標準入出力も初期化時にバイナリモードにしてるんだけど、それが何故か効いてないのかな?
2012/01/21 12:06:26 UTC齊藤
私の環境で HEAD をビルドしてみましたが、そのテストはパスしますね…。
2012/01/21 12:07:46 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 12:08:49 UTC齊藤
ndbm 関連でビルドがうまいこといかない感じになってます。
2012/01/21 12:10:51 UTCshiro
ああ、gdbmは私の環境では使ってないんで表面化してないのだな。gdbmってmingwやmsysでは配ってなかったと思いますが、ソースからビルドですか? gdbmだけうまくいっててndbmでこけてるなら、ndbm互換ライブラリを探すところで失敗してるとか?
2012/01/21 12:11:39 UTC齊藤
中間ファイル (?) のパーミッションがどうのというメッセージみたいです。
2012/01/21 12:14:12 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 12:16:40 UTC齊藤
../../src/gosh -ftest ../../src/precomp -e -o dbm--ndbm ndbm.scm
../../src/gosh -ftest ./ndbm-suffixes.scm ndbm-suffixes.h
*** SYSTEM-ERROR: unlink failed on ndbmtest4f1aab: Permission denied
Stack Trace:
  0  (sys-unlink tname)
        At line 13 of "././ndbm-suffixes.scm"
make[2]: *** [ndbm-suffixes.h] Error 70
2012/01/21 12:20:24 UTCshiro
--- a/ext/dbm/ndbm-suffixes.scm
+++ b/ext/dbm/ndbm-suffixes.scm
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 (define (main args)
   (match (cdr args)
-     (receive (_ tname) (sys-mkstemp "ndbmtest")
+     (receive (p tname) (sys-mkstemp "ndbmtest")
+       (close-output-port p)
        (sys-unlink tname)
        (let1 p (run-process `("./ndbm-makedb" ,tname) :wait #t)
          (unless (zero? (process-exit-status p))
2012/01/21 12:24:43 UTC齊藤
[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
ndbm-makedb.exe は動作を停止しました

問題が発生したため、プログラムが正しく動作しなくなりました。プログラムは閉じられ、解決策がある場合は Windows から通知されます。

2012/01/21 12:27:19 UTCshiro
それはSEGVとかBus Error的ななにかだと思う。(1) ndbm-makedb.exeを直接起動(引数なし)するとUsageを表示しますか? (2)ndbm-makedb.exe foo のように引数を与えると?
2012/01/21 12:27:49 UTC齊藤
Usage: ndbm-makedb <dbname> と表示します。
2012/01/21 12:28:49 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 12:29:06 UTC齊藤
ndbm-makedb.exe foo だと同様のエラーを出して停止します。 一時ファイルを生成できてないってことなのかな?
ndbm-makedb の実行前に unlink しちゃっていいんですか?
2012/01/21 12:30:58 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 12:31:36 UTC齊藤
2012/01/21 12:32:14 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 12:38:58 UTC齊藤
(gdb) r foo
Starting program: c:\home\Gauche\ext\dbm/ndbm-makedb.exe foo
[New Thread 4372.0x6d0]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x6085db86 in strsep () from c:\Mingw\msys\1.0\bin\msys-1.0.dll
2012/01/21 12:39:51 UTCkenhys
些細な話なんですが、mingw-dist.shにてmakeのステータスのチェックがあると良いかと思います。--- C:/Users/khayashi/AppData/Local/Temp/min319F.tmp/	Sat Jan 21 21:37:27 2012
+++ C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/khayashi/Project/gauche/Gauche-mingw-w32thread/src/	Sat Jan 21 21:21:03 2012
@@ -50,8 +50,13 @@
 rm -rf $distdir
-./configure --enable-multibyte=utf8 --prefix=$distdir
+./configure --enable-multibyte=utf8 --enable-threads=win32 --prefix=$distdir
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+	echo "failed to build gauche."
+	exit
 # prepare precompiled directory tree.
 make install
2012/01/21 12:40:17 UTCshiro
そこでwhereとすると? > 齊藤
確かに。 > kenhys
2012/01/21 12:40:38 UTC齊藤
(gdb) where
#0  0x6085db86 in strsep () from c:\Mingw\msys\1.0\bin\msys-1.0.dll
#1  0x6082d767 in msys-1!calloc () from c:\Mingw\msys\1.0\bin\msys-1.0.dll
#2  0x6088d0d1 in strftime () from c:\Mingw\msys\1.0\bin\msys-1.0.dll
#3  0x6082d460 in msys-1!malloc () from c:\Mingw\msys\1.0\bin\msys-1.0.dll
#4  0x6a6c13df in msys-gdbm_compat-3!dbm_open ()
   from c:\Mingw\msys\1.0\bin\msys-gdbm_compat-3.dll
#5  0x004013f3 in main (argc=2, argv=0x5d17d8) at ndbm-makedb.c:39
2012/01/21 12:42:09 UTCshiro
2012/01/21 12:42:51 UTC齊藤
ndbm-makedb.c は小さいものですし、問題が発生する余地は無さげですね。
2012/01/21 14:09:10 UTC齊藤
dbm_open failed for foo: No such file or directory
gdbm ライブラリの中で使っている link 関数に問題があるように思われます。
Windows には相当する機能が無いので msys-1.0.dll でエミュレーションしているようなんですが、ただのダミーっぽい感じ。
と、言うわけで Gauche の問題ではないと思います。
2012/01/21 14:25:36 UTCkenhys
$ nm gc/win32_threads.o
00000000 b .bss
00000000 d .data
00000000 N .debug_abbrev
00000000 N .debug_info
00000000 N .debug_line
00000000 t .text
2012/01/21 14:39:06 UTC齊藤
インストールしてある Gauche は 0.9.2 ですか?
2012/01/21 14:41:08 UTCkenhys
2012/01/21 15:21:45 UTC齊藤
gauche-thread-type が none を返しているようですが、これは修正した方が良さそうですね。
2012/01/21 15:29:14 UTC齊藤
kenhys さんの環境と何が違うんだろう。
2012/01/21 21:56:33 UTCshiro