Gauche > Archives > 2024/07/04

2024/07/04 08:22:41 UTCshiro
If you get 'rfc.zlib not found', it may be that your Gauche is configured without zlib support.
Evaluate this on REPL:
(cond-expand [gauche.sys.zlib 'yes] [else 'no])
If you get no, your Gauche doesn't have zlib support.
If you compiled Gauche from release tarball, it automatically adds zlib support when the system has one. So it is possible that you didn't have zlib fully installed. On Debian/Ubuntu, you need zlib1g-dev package.
2024/07/04 08:55:17 UTCshiro
There are a couple of other things. (1) there's no text.json; you mean rfc.json? (2) to get a list of *.json.gz, you can use glob. (glob "**/*.json.gz") finds all *.json.gz under the current directory.
2024/07/04 09:00:24 UTCshiro
Actually, rfc.json has a different API from your code snippet. Are you using an external library?
2024/07/04 14:32:46 UTCOber
I built it explicitly with it assuming that was the problem. even make in ext/zlib directory and make install
2024/07/04 14:50:12 UTCOber
If I run gosh, and run the test it finds it. however the script can't.
# is the updated version using rfc.json
2024/07/04 15:19:56 UTCOber
solved the problem.
2024/07/04 19:53:35 UTCshiro
What was the cause?
2024/07/04 20:21:04 UTCOber
2024/07/04 20:26:33 UTCOber
(((Records . #(((eventVersion . 1.09) ... ;; this is a pair. but I can't get assoc-ref/assoc/alist->hash-table to work.
2024/07/04 20:29:57 UTCshiro
The assoc list is in the car of that data.
But I'm not sure where you encounter that, since in a single JSON parse result, a pair can only appear as an alist. However, if you have "a list of json objects", as a result of parse-json*, the toplevel pair is a list, not an alist. You need to iterate each element in the list.
Sometimes it is confusing that a pair is used both as a list and an assoc list. One way is to provide a custon mapper (json-object-handler) and change the JSON object to other scheme object (e.g. hashtable) as JSON is parsed.
2024/07/04 20:45:48 UTCOber
# is working now. function ct worked it out
2024/07/04 20:55:49 UTCshiro
Good to know. (walk-directory dir) can be (glob (build-path dir "**" "*.json.gz"))
2024/07/04 21:00:13 UTCOber
ok ty
C-h f let-alist would be great. :P use to let-hash on Gerbil
2024/07/04 21:25:36 UTCshiro
Looked up let-hash in Gerbil. That's interesting. Since we have a universal referencer, we could have a syntax sugar (let-anything obj body ...) where inside a body some reader macro (say, #.x) resolves to (~ obj 'x). Something to ponder.
2024/07/04 21:26:28 UTCOber
I use it extensively when parsing large json files.
Does glob work recursively?
2024/07/04 21:29:22 UTCshiro
If the path component contains "**", it matches zero or more intermediate directories.
2024/07/04 21:31:02 UTCOber