Gauche > Archives > 2024/05/15

2024/05/15 00:27:34 UTCshiro
About let-syntax: there's a limitation of the forms that can come rhs of define-syntax; it must be either a syntax-rules form, an er-macro-transformer form, or a macro/syntax keyword. Your example is invalid, merely not error-checked (maybe I should).
SRFI-147 allows you to have local definitions within a transformer spec:
Gauche hasn't supported SRFI-147 yet, though. I think I attempted once and there was some corner cases that hygiene didn't work well. I forgot the details.
Regarding hash-table content, yes, it's nice that REPL can print its content. You can't override printing output of built-in objects with write-object; that's by design. I put off implementing the content printing b/c (1) we didn't have pprint, and printing content of a hash table would potentially produce huge output, and (2) a hash table can have arbitrary comparator and that can't be serialized.
Now that we have pprint, so (1) isn't an issue any longer. We can also workaround (2) by priting comparator as unreadable object.
(Actually, you can see there's a code that print hashtable contents, but it is currently #ifdef-ed out).
I'll track hash-table printer issue with
2024/05/15 14:12:58 UTCleah2
Thanks. At least Gauche properly works when one defines two macros and only exports one, so the local definitions are just convenience. :)
2024/05/15 14:21:39 UTCleah2
I wonder if the SRFI-147 reference implementation could work given er-macro-transformer...