========================================================== INTERNATIONAL LISP CONFERENCE 2012: Call for Participation ========================================================== The Association of Lisp Users (ALU) is pleased to announce ILC 2012, to be held in Kyoto, Japan October 21st-24th. Please make a note of the following important dates and events. 0. Conference Home Page: http://international-lisp-conference.org 1. Conference Schedule: http://international-lisp-conference.org/2012/schedule.html. 2. Speakers: http://international-lisp-conference.org/2012/speakers.html 3. Registration: http://international-lisp-conference.org/2012/registration.html 4. Please reserve your hotels early, as availability is limited this time of the year in Kyoto: http://international-lisp-conference.org/2012/paypal-online.html#sec-2 5. We are proud to announce following distinguished speakers: - Mark Battyani: Successful Lisp Entrepreneur - Christian Queinnec: Author of Lisp In Small Pieces - Ikuo Takeuchi: Renown Japanese Inventor of the TAK-function - Eiiti Wada: Famous Japanese Lisp Guru -- Designer of Happy Hacking Keyboard#