Chaton > Archives > 2009/11/26

2009/11/26 06:47:48 UTCasker
2009/11/26 06:48:03 UTCshiro
hi asker.
there are 7 inhabited islands in hawaii. the biggest island is "the Island of Hawaii", but the most populated island is Oahu
and that's where I live.
2009/11/26 06:53:50 UTCasker
Ok .. As far as I know its good music and dancing,
"Ma Ku´u poli mai´oe e Ku´u ipo aloha"
this is a song
2009/11/26 06:56:07 UTCshiro
I like that song. There are a couple of local radio stations that are specialized to Hawaiian music.
This is my favorite station:
2009/11/26 06:59:58 UTCasker
I thank my bookmarks,
I am turkish nationlietet but live and work in Germany for 30 years
kennen sie auch turkei
2009/11/26 07:20:06 UTCshiro
I took one semester of German in college but my memory has faded.
I heard lots of Turkish immigrants in Germany.
Hawaii is also a land of immigrants. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Philippine, Vietnamese, Samoan, ...
2009/11/26 07:24:58 UTCasker
acha threw only one year, the town where they were which? I'm in cologne. indeed correct,nearly 3 million Turks live live and work in germany
is also nice if a country is multi-culti
they can still bite German?
2009/11/26 07:28:04 UTCshiro
oops, I need to put my son in bath. have to go.
nice to talk to you. I'll be around here.
2009/11/26 07:28:45 UTCasker
ok good bye shiro
had good chat with them would come here more often