Gauche > Archives > 2017/11/16

2017/11/16 09:14:22 UTCshiro
2017/11/16 09:20:27 UTCshiro
james: I reckon you want to replace the default exception handler, correct? (You can't "capture all exceptions" by replacing the global exception handler, for it would be dynamically shadowed anytime by with-exception-handler.)
2017/11/16 09:25:00 UTCshiro
We don't have a directly way to replace the default exception handler, for the outermost handler needs to do some under-the-hood tricks to make the system state sane. However, if what you want to do is to add hook to the default exception handler, there's an internal API.
(with-module gauche.internal %vm-custom-error-reporter-set!) takes a vm instance (= the thread object) and a procedure that accepts one argument, the thrown condition. It is called when the default exception handler reports the thrown condition. Its default procedure is report-error.
gosh> (report-error (make <error> :message "Huh?"))
*** ERROR: Huh?
Stack Trace:
  0  (eval expr env)
        at "/usr/share/gauche-0.9/0.9.6_pre4/lib/gauche/interactive.scm":267
You can set a custom error reporter instead and write out to the logfile, for example.
kaki: r7rs"スクリプト"のloadは普段使ってないのであんまりちゃんと考えて無かった…
ああそうか、user#importがr7rs importwo
2017/11/16 19:19:34 UTC齊藤
array-for-each-index の出してくるインデックスの順序って保証されてると考えていいですか? Reader Syntax の項目で「row-majorの順で」と書かれているので、常識的に考えるとインデックスもこれに対応する順番だとは思うのですが明記されてはいないようなので……
2017/11/16 21:06:26 UTCshiro
2017/11/16 23:06:33 UTCshiro